After an author or researcher submits their work for publication, they write a rebuttal letter in response to the comments of reviewers and editors. A manuscript that has been submitted for publication with no requested amendments is rare. A superb academic rebuttal letter can help you persuade reviewers and editors that your paper is excellent and should be published in that journal. During the peer review process, this is often your last chance to underline the quality of your work. So, before you write a rebuttal letter, you should carefully study the reviewer’s remarks and identify the nature of the suggested adjustments and how you should respond to them.
When writing a rebuttal letter, there are a few things to bear in mind. Below are the points:
Consider the reviewer’s suggestions as a way to improve your work. You must acknowledge that the reviewers have a deeper awareness of the guidelines that authors must follow in order to have their work published.
The way you draft your rebuttal letter can have a significant impact on how editors and referees evaluate your revision. They will most likely read the rebuttal letter before actually reading your amended work, therefore if you want them to be on your side, you should not be too brief in your comments, as it may appear rude. As an author, you should be grateful that the reviewers took the time to go over your work before pointing out the adjustments you need to make. Begin your response letter on a positive note, thanking your reviewers for their input.
Copy every single comment in your rebuttal letter and write your response in a clear and straightforward manner directly after each point. Ensure that none of the reviewers’ or editor’s concerns go unanswered. Even if you disagree with a point or have not implemented the suggested change, please state your position and explain why.
Number the points raised by the reviewers and answer them in order. In the original and updated manuscripts, highlight the corresponding changes in the document or refer to the line numbers. Always keep in mind that editors and reviewers are frequently very busy, so make sure your comments are concise and clear. You should also try to address the referees’ concerns as best you can, but do so succinctly and immediately, with no unnecessary explanations or protracted speeches.
When resubmitting your world, you must provide enough information about the changes you’ve made so that reviewers can easily identify the changes you’ve made to your manuscript. If two or more reviewers have made similar comments, direct them to the response.
In your citations, avoid utilizing the first author’s name and the initials et al. Include complete references so that the reviewers may search them up.
Your letter should end on a positive note, letting the referees know that you have done your best to improve the manuscript in light of their suggestions—and that you are willing to make more changes if necessary (if necessary). Furthermore, reviewers and editors should get the impression that you appreciate their efforts and the time they spent rewriting your article.