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Contributed code examples from O'Reilly Android Cookbook. See #user-content-table README below!


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Android Cookbook Examples

This repo is among the largest collections of Android code samples anywhere; it contains around a hundred and fifty compilable source code examples from the O’Reilly Android Cookbook, which was at its publication a great source of tutorial material for the Android Developer. Not all recipes in the book or online have code accompanying them; this repo features code that was either linked by the contributor, or in some cases, re-constructed as a New Project by the editor for your convenience.

Further note that not all programs used in the book/online appear here; some of the examples in the book/online are only program fragments taken from other programs that can’t be included. And of course some code is drawn from existing projects that are hosted elsewhere.

Each directory contains one project, and (if it’s used in the book) has a name that is cited at the end of the corresponding Recipe, under the "Source Code Download" section.

Some older started-in-Eclipse projects also have configuration files to allow them to be opened in Android Studio. During the runup to the second edition of the book, AndMore appeared to be a viable project to maintain Android Eclipse development. However, it has become clear that AndMore has not attracted enough developer talent to remain viable. Accordingly, the newest projects here are Android-Studio-Only. And Issue #1 calls for moving the existing mass of projects to Studio-only format. For reference, a "canonical" project would look something like this:

README.txt app/ ├── app.iml ├── build/ ├── build.gradle ├── libs ├── └── src ├── androidTest │ └── java │ └── com │ └── darwinsys │ └── circleviewgroup │ └── ├── main │ ├── AndroidManifest.xml │ ├── java │ │ └── com │ │ └── androidcookbook │ │ └── some_project_name │ │ └── │ └── res │ ├── drawable │ ├── layout │ │ └── activity_main.xml │ ├── mipmap-hdpi │ │ ├── ic_launcher.png │ │ └── ic_launcher_round.png │ ├── mipmap-* │ └── values │ ├── colors.xml │ ├── strings.xml │ └── styles.xml └── test └── java └── com └── darwinsys └── circleviewgroup └── build.gradle gradlew, gradlew.bat settings.gradle
The table List of Projects lists each project, its author, and a short summary.

*Note that, since Gradle and the Gradle Android Plugin need to be updated just about every time your run Android Studio, there is no attempt made to keep things up-to-date here; just let Studio do its upgrade thing for you and all will be well. They promise. Except for really old projects, where you’d have to upgrade 6 or 8 times. For these, copying newer build.gradle files from ../AndroidTemplate might be a better bet. Better yet, see


JpsTrack and the ToDo* applications have graduated to their own github projects, under

The Hello*Test projects are moving to names starting with Testing …​ DuellingIDEs has been removed since the duel is over. Just use Android Studio.

List of Projects

The following list is generated (periodically) from the project folders. The Author names have recently been added; if I have missed or mis-attributed any, please let me know and I will happily correct them. You (and I) know who you are.

Table 1. List of projects with description and build tools
Project Author Function Notes
AboutBoxDemo Ian Darwin A re-usable About dialog. -
AboutInfo Ian Darwin Info about device and screen -
ActionBarCompat Ian Darwin Simple ActionBar demo(s) -
AddContact Ian Darwin Add a contact Shows ContactsContract, content provider
AdMobDemo Ian Darwin Using AdMob with interstitial (inter-Activity) ads. -
Analytics Ian Darwin Ashwini’s Google Analytics for Android Demo, slightly updated. -
AndroidPlot Rachee Singh Graphing -
AndroidRss Wagied Davids RSS Reader Works under Maven; Eclipse fails w/ Maven Configuration Problem
AppDownloader Ian Darwin Installs another app Downloading, package management
AppShortcutsDemo Ian Darwin Shows App Shortcuts, which appear with long-press on app’s launcher icon. -
AppSingleton Ian Darwin Compilable example of the Application Singleton pattern recipe. -
AsyncTaskDemo Ian Darwin Demo of AsyncTask -
AutocompleteTextViewContacts Ian Darwin Contact picker with autocomplete -
AutoUpdater Ian Darwin App can update itself see AppDownloader
BackupManager Ian Darwin Use Android Backup scheme. -
BluetoothConnectToDevice Ian Darwin Using BlueTooth to connect -
BluetoothDemo Ian Darwin Bluetooth Connection -
BrowserBookmarks Ian Darwin Use the now-defunct Browser Bookmarks content provider -
CalAdder Ian Darwin Add appointment to Calendar Calendar via Content Provider
CallFaker Ian Darwin Pretend a call happened, for testing -
CallInterceptorIncoming Johan Pelgrim Intercept an incoming phone call. -
CallInterceptorOutgoing Johan Pelgrim Intercept outgoing phone calls. Compiles and runs, but doesn’t intercept the call.
CameraIntent Ian Darwin CameraIntent - get the camera to take a picture, using androidx API -
CardDemo Ian Darwin Demonstation of Card widget. -
CheckBoxRadioButton Ian Darwin GUI demo name says it
CircleViewGroup Ian Darwin Attempt at a custom layout manager. -
ContentProviderBookmarks Ian Darwin List of bookmarks from Bookmarks Content Provider Browser ContentProvider
ContentProviderList Ian Darwin List of ContentProviders -
ContentProviderSample Ashwini Shahapurkar Implement a ContentProvider -
ContentProviderTest Ian Darwin Test it -
CordovaDemo Ian Darwin Simple Cordova (nee PhoneGap) cross-platform (web-based) toolkit demo. -
CountDownTimerExample Wagied Davids Time-based activity -
CryptoDemos Ian Darwin Cryptography anyone? -
CurrentMoodWidget Ian Darwin Application Widgets have a live display on the home page, like the standard Clock program. -
CursorLoaderDemo Ian Darwin How to load data properly using CursorLoader -
CustomMenu Ian Darwin Menu -
CustomSubMenu Ian Darwin Submenu, created programmatically -
CustomToast Rachee Singh Toast -
DatabaseFromFile Ian Darwin Create a database from an SQLite .db file in 'assets'. -
DataToCursor Ian Darwin Fake up a Cursor from a list of files -
DateFormatDemo Ian Darwin Example of various DateFormat usages (the Android one, not java.text nor java.time). -
DemoSmali Ian Darwin A pedagogic project that can be used to show off Smali for short functions. -
DialogDemos Ian Darwin Dialogs -
DragDropDemo Ian Darwin A simple Drag-and-drop example. -
DreamsDemo Ian Darwin Demo of "Dreams" (4.x screensaver) -
EmailTextView Wagied Davids Send contents of EditText via email -
EmailWithAttachments Marco Dinacci Attach file to email -
EpochJSCalendar Wagied Davids Java + JavaScript Epoch Calendar -
EventListenersDemo Daniel Fowler 5 Ways to Wire an Event Listener. -
FacebookSdk N/R. Pending check. Access FB API -
FaceFinder Wagied Davids Face locator API in photos -
FileProviderDemo Ian Darwin Demo of FileProvider. -
FilesystemDemos Ian Darwin Internal and external files. -
FindMeX Ian Darwin Find Me X IllegalArgumentException: Incomplete location object, missing timestamp or accuracy, Progress:334
FloatingActionButtonSnackbarDemo Ian Darwin Demo of 'fab' Floating Abstract Button -
FlutterDemo Ian Darwin Flutter is a new SDK for cross-platform development -
FontDemo Ian Darwin Using a custom font You need to provide the font file! Example uses Iceberg font…​
FragmentsDemos Ian Darwin Simple Fragment and List-Detail Fragments in one project -
Gallery Ian Darwin Simple Photo Gallery example. Deprecated
GcmClient Ian Darwin Google Cloud Messaging - receiver -
GcmMockServer Ian Darwin Google Cloud Messaging - sender -
GeneralPrompter Ian Darwin A program that shows the Storage Facility to prompt for all files. -
HapticFeedback Ian Darwin Haptic Feedback recipe. -
HelloCommandLine Ian Darwin HelloWorld SDK
HelloEclipse Ian Darwin HelloWorld Eclipse ADT
HelloGradle Ian Darwin Hello World with Gradle but NOT Studio. -
HelloMaven Ian Darwin HelloWorld using Maven with android-maven-plugin. -
HelloStudioTesting Ian Darwin HelloWorld of StudioTesting -
HelloTestingTarget Adrián Santalla ADT Testing - subject -
HelloTestingTestProject Ian Darwin ADT Testing - Tests -
HomeAppListView Ian Darwin A Home Application Shows running a program
IconizedListView Ian Darwin List View with Icon -
ImageButtonDemo Ian Darwin ImageButtons! -
IntentsDemo Ian Darwin Intents -
IPCDemo Ian Darwin IPC - Inter-Process Communication, simplified demo (2 versions, alas). -
IpcServiceDemo Rupesh Chavan IPC - Inter-Process Communication, simplified demo (2 versions, alas). -
JavascriptDataDemo Ian Darwin Getting data from Java to JavaScript and back. -
JavaTimeDemo Ian Darwin Demos of java.time date/time API Actually JSR-310 API; almost same but different package
JSONParsing Ian Darwin Simple example of JSON parsing using built-in JSONObject. -
KotlinVolleyDemo Ian Darwin Kotlin version of Volley demo -
LayoutBorder Ian Darwin Layout Border Demo Project Source for Android -
ListViewAdvanced Marco Dinacci ListView -
ListViewDemos Ian Darwin ListView -
ListViewEmpty Rachee Singh ListView with empty list: don’t show blank screen! -
ListViewSectionHeader Ian Darwin ListView with section headers -
LocalBroadcastDemo Ian Darwin Local Broadcast Receiver -
MapDemosV2 Ian Darwin This is the Google API Maps V2 Demo. -
MapsV2AddToProject Ian Darwin Adding a Google Maps V2 MapActivity to a project You must ask for permission from Google (get and provide your own Google API key).
MarketSearch Ian Darwin Search the Play Store -
MaterialDemos Ian Darwin MaterialDesign demos -
MediaPlayerDemo Ian Darwin Play media -
MediaPlayerInteractive Ian Darwin Media Player demo from Marco Dinacci, thanks. -
MediaRecorderDemo Marco Dinacci Simple sound recorder -
MenuAction Ian Darwin Menu Action Handling -
MessengerDemo Ian Darwin Using a Messenger to send requests to a Service -
NativeFunctFromJS Ian Darwin Try to invoke native code from JavaScript. -
NdkDemo Ian Darwin Native Development Kit C Code
NotificationDemo Ian Darwin Notifications -
NumberPickers Ian Darwin UI for picking numbers -
OAuth2Demo Ian Darwin Demo of OAuth2 to Google Tasks. -
OpenGlDemo Marco Dinacci OpenGL graphics -
OrientationChanges Wagied Davids Rotation -
OSMIntro Rachee Singh Basic OSM map app demo. Builds with Maven, not with Eclipse. Maybe m2e aar support, isn’t, yet.
OSMOverlay Ian Darwin OSM Map with a map marker overlay Compiles, runs, doesn’t load map tiles; needs upgrading to osmdroid-android 5.5
OSMTouchEvents Ian Darwin OSM Map with touch event handling. Builds with Maven, not with Eclipse. Maybe m2e aar support, isn’t, yet.
PdfShare Ian Darwin Create and share a PDF -
PermissionRequest Ian Darwin Shows asking for permissions at runtime, i.e,. "the new way" -
PhoneGapDemo Shraddha Shravagi HTML5 app using phonegap/cordova -
PinchAndZoom Ian Darwin Pinch-and-zoom graphics demo -
PreferencesDemo Ian Darwin Preferences -
ProgressDialogDemo Ian Darwin Demo of a pop-up indefinite progress dialog. -
RangeGraphDemo Ian Darwin Using a graphing library -
RatingBarDemo Ian Darwin Show use of 5-star RatingBar as used in rankings, surveys, &c. -
Rebooter Ian Darwin How to reboot, and why you can’t -
RecipeList Ian Darwin = RecipeList - use an AsyncTask to download data over the 'net via HTTP. -
RecyclerViewDemo Ian Darwin Demo of RecyclerView, the faster ListView. -
RemoteSystemsTempFiles Ian Darwin This folder is created automatically by Eclipse and can be ignored. -
RGraphDemo Wagied Davids Using a graphing library -
RoomDemo Ian Darwin Demo of Room, the official Android ORM. -
RuntimeLog Ian Darwin A simpe runtime log facility -
ScanBarcode Ian Darwin Scan barcode using ZXing app via Intent -
SecondScreen Ian Darwin Trivial example of one Activity (screen) starting another. -
SendSMS Colin Wilcox Sends an SMS -
SensorShakeDetection Thomas Manthey Use Accellerometer to detect if the user has shaken the device. -
SensorUpOrDown Rachee Singh Code for r2051, Checking Whether a Device Is Facing Up or Down -
ServiceDemos Ian Darwin Demo a couple of kinds of Service. -
ShareActionProviderDemo Ian Darwin ICS "Share" action -
ShellCommand Ian Darwin Run a Unix/Linux command via Runtime.exec, capture the output. -
SimpleAccountAndSyncDemo Ian Darwin User account on device -
SimpleCalendar Ian Darwin Calendar -
SimpleDialer Ian Darwin Trivial Dialer - launches Dialer app via Intent -
SimpleJumper Wagied Davids Common code for flixel-gdx-based gaming demo. Game starts, can move left-right only, no scenery. Fails on Intel phone/emulator
SimplePool Wagied Davids Start of a pool/billiards game using AndEngine. -
SimpleTorchLight Saketkumar Srivastav Simple Torchlight/Flashlight example. (Most devices now have a built-in control for this)
SlidingDrawer-Topdown Wagied Davids The main code is from the "Sliding Drawer - Top Down" recipe -
SMSReceive Ian Darwin Receive an incoming SMS. -
SnackBarDemo Ian Darwin Snackbar (bottom message text) demo -
SoapDemo Ian Darwin XML SOAP Web Service -
SoftKeyboardEnterNext Jonathan Fuerth Change the Enter key to "Next" on one-line text fields. -
SoundRec Ian Darwin Sound Recorder -
Speaker Ian Darwin Text To Speech (TTS) -
SpeechRecognizerDemo Ian Darwin Speech Recognizer. -
SpinnerDemo Ian Darwin Drop-down Spinner Demos -
SpinningCubeDemo Marco Dinacci OpenGL Spinning Cube, from Marco Dinacci -
SplashDialog Rachee Singh Splash screen -
SQLiteDemos Ian Darwin SQLite demos -
StandardDrawables Ian Darwin Use Existing Drawables -
StaticFileRead Ian Darwin StaticFileRead - read a file from the application -
StringsXML Daniel Fowler Demos for "Nuances of Strings.xml" recipe. -
TabHostDemo Ian Darwin TabHost Demo: Demo of the TabHost widget, in a Dialog. -
TabSwipeDemo Ian Darwin Tabbable and swipeable layout -
TeleCorder Ian Darwin Telephone call recorder (in progress!) -
TelephonyManager Pratik Rupwal Displays phone info -
TestingWithEspresso Ian Darwin HelloWorld of EspressoTesting -
Tipster Sunit Katkar Full app: compute and show restaurant bill with tip -
UniqueId Ian Darwin Find device’s unique ID -
Vibrate Rachee Singh Make the device vibrate -
ViewPagerDemo Ian Darwin Swipe among views -
VolleyDemo Ian Darwin Demo of Volley networking library -
WheelPickerDemo Wagied Davids Apple-style Wheel Picker Demo -
WindowBackgroundDemo Ian Darwin Graphical window background -