University Testing Policies and Procedures

As part of the admissions process at LaGuardia, students are required to demonstrate their competence in reading, writing and mathematics.

Please note the following:

For students entering the College in the spring of 2020 and beyond, CUNY will no longer be using the CUNY Assessment tests for reading, writing, or math. Student placement will be determined through alternative means being developed at the time of publication. Please see the CUNY or LaGuardia Admissions websites for updated information regarding this process for the spring of 2020.

In reading and writing, students can do this in the following ways:

  1. Have earned a bachelor’s degree from an accredited institution.
  2. National tests: students who score 480 and above on the SAT verbal portion or 20 or above on the ACT verbal portion demonstrate competence in reading and writing.
  3. New York State Regents examination in English: students who achieve a grade of 75 or better demonstrate competence in reading and writing.
  4. CUNY Assessment Tests in writing: students who do not achieve appropriate scores on the SAT, ACT or New York State Regents in English are scheduled to take the CUNY Assessment Tests.

The CUNY Assessment Tests in writing include:

1. A 90-minute writing sample in essay form.

In mathematics, students can meet the competency in the following ways:

  1. Have earned a valid bachelor’s degree from an accredited institution.
  2. National tests: students who score 500 and above on the SAT or 21 or above on the Mathematics portion of the ACT demonstrate competence.
  3. N.Y. State Regents: -Score of 70 or higher in Algebra I (Common Core) AND successful completion of the Algebra 2/Trigonometry or higher-level course. -Score of 80 or higher in either Integrated Algebra, Geometry or Algebra 2/Trigonometry AND successful completion of the Algebra 2/Trigonometry or higher-level course. -Score of 75 or higher in one of the following: Math A or Math B Sequential II or Sequential III

Students who do not demonstrate competence in these areas are placed in appropriate reading, writing, ESL or math classes based on the results of the CUNY Assessment Tests. At the end of the sequence of developmental courses in reading and writing, students are given an opportunity to take the tests again to demonstrate their competence. Students in developmental math courses will take a departmental exam. Students must pass all basic skills assessment exams or demonstrate competence in all areas in any of the above ways in order to be able to transfer to any of the CUNY senior colleges.

Students who hold a bachelor’s degree are exempt from skills testing; however, bachelor degree holders who have been educated in a language other than English will be required to test in reading and writing only. Placement in remedial or development courses as a result of these tests will be considered part of the student’s graduation requirements.

Effective October 1, 2008, transfer students with a 3 credit college level English course with a grade of ‘C’ or better from an accredited college or university are considered proficient in reading and writing. Transfer students with a 3 credit college-level math course with a grade of ‘C’ or better from an accredited college or university are considered proficient in math.

The College and the university will communicate to all students what, if any, tests are required for placement. All students must test, or provide appropriate documentation for exemption. Failure to do so will delay admission and registration for classes. Students may test only once prior to the semester in which they are accepted.